"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

About Music Train

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Music Train Mission Statement:
Music Train Preschool teaches to the whole child, which will encourage and promote enjoyment of lifelong learning.

Music Train Preschool Philosophy:

Music Train Preschool believes that all children are capable of learning if given a safe, nurturing environment that offers a variety of multi-sensory experiences.  Music is a core part of the curriculum.  Music experiences help teach and reinforce preschool concepts in a fun and effective way.  It is our understanding that teaching social and emotional skills such as respect, sharing, taking turns, and accepting differences in others is  equally important as teaching math, language, and science concepts.  Each child is individual and important and by giving each student choices and tailoring activities to support the child's development gives them a sense of self worth and importance.

Here is some of the things that Music Train Preschool Offers:
  • Small Class Sizes-Class Sizes are capped at 6-8 students to allow for personal attention. 
  • Musical Structure with singing, instrument playing, dance and movement, early music reading skills, pitch discrimination, intervals, rhythm and musical games. 
  • Teach Reading Phonics and early reading skills. Most children will be reading by the time they are in kindergarten if they attend the 4-5 year old class. 
  • Self-directed play time is given each day: outside play is encouraged 
  • Field Trips (2-3 trips per semester) 
  • Loving Home Environment 
  • Teacher will set goals for each child based on need and assessment 
  • Weekly communication via blog/email and monthly calendars 
  • Arts and Crafts project each day 
  • Math and Science game/activity each day 
  • Large motor skills and movement games/activities are played everyday 
  • Consistent schedule and routine 
  • Social skills taught and practiced through play and music time 
  • Increased Self Esteem through positive reinforcement 
  • Student spotlight and student of the day gives children turns to be a leader and share 
  • Monthly Show and Tell (teacher directed-I give a theme for the show and tell that relates to what we are learning that week) 
  • Healthy Snack provided 

More about Music Train:

The musical structure will help your child feel safe to explore their environment, learn new concepts in a fun way, and socialize with their peers. Three assessments are given during the year to tailor to individual needs and to track progress of each student. Concepts taught through music are letter recognition, beginning math, beginning reading, art, science, and music skills. In our 4-5 year old class the Siegfried Engelmann Reading Program is implemented. Home support is given by weekly communication via e-mail/blog.

We have free and outside play (weather permitting) everyday. Activity rotation is frequent enough to keep the child's attention and make learning fun and exciting learning environment. We also have a snack time where the child practice good table manners and take turns helping prepare and pass out the snack to their peers. We will go on 4 field trips throughout the year to help emphasis the topic and concepts for the week.

The music skills learned at Music Train Preschool will help your child not only have an appreciating for music but be able to be prepared to take music lessons with any instrument. Singing, rhythm, sound discrimination, beginning note reading, world music, dance, instrument recognition are some of the skills learned.

Each child is individual and important and by giving each student choices within the learning environment the child develops a sense of self worth and importance. Each child throughout the year will be spotlighted so the other children and teacher will get to know the child better.